What are you waiting for?
The Inflammation Detox Protocol
What started out as an experiment to better understand inflammation led to a realization that in just 2 weeks time you can not only reduce inflammation but you can recalibrate and rejuvenate your overall wellbeing.
Inflammation Detox Program

Everyone wants a magic pill to make health and wellness easy. Today, in 2023 those of us living in America are facing one health crises after another. Oddly enough, the health and wellness industry is a multi billion dollar industry. They why are we so sick? And what can we do about it? How can we live the American lifestyle and maintain some level of balance? In our highly polluted world the only answer is to detox. Detoxing goes back centuries and was often times associated with religion, but there were traditions that actually set their detox’s in alliance with the cycles of nature. Like many other healing traditions that have been lost detoxing is one of them. Now don’t get me wrong, if you google detox you will get millions of hits, but this isn’t like one of those detoxes. This is reset, a recalibration. A way to get back on your feet, get back to nature and to find your own inner connection again. The best part is that it isn’t difficult, it requires minimal investment and your own dedication.
In participating in the Inflammation Detox Protocol you agree to do the following for 2 weeks…
Follow a whole food diet- no sugar other than honey or maple syrup, no breads or pastas unless you make your own. Brown, white and wild rice is OK!
Refrain from drinking alcohol or pop.
No smoking or recreational drugs
Participate in the detox self care measures provided in the in the protocol
Reconnect with the earth
Consume the herbs and homeopathic’s that have been chosen for this program
So how do you get started? First sign up for our newsletter so that you can stay in the loop.
This is a self led program, but we do offer starting points, aka dates, where you can begin with a group if that suites you best. The next group date will be January 08th.
This program is designed to give you step by step instructions...no really, I mean it! You will receive a daily itinerary that you will need to make work in your own current life. If your daily schedule is already jammed packed it might be best to wait until it calms down a bit, or if you are anything like me, and that probably won't happen for many years to come it is best just to jump in with both feet. You may need to say yes to this detox and no to other things in your life that might get in the way. Remember, it is only for 2 weeks!
The beautiful thing is that this detox is gentle ( Check out the disclaimer) and therefore should not interrupt the flow of your life. Instead we are simply adding some nourishing foods, simple self care techniques, and gentle herbs and supplements to promote the bodies natural detox pathways.
So what will you get?
For only $69 you will receive the entire Inflammation Detox Protocol. This includes the list of items that you will need to purchase for the protocol.
3 pre-recorded videos where I will discuss this protocol in-depth and where I will give you some helpful tips. These will be recorded so you can watch them at your leisure.
An invitation to the private FB group where we share and support one another through our experiences.
Additional Cost: You will be required to purchase the items needed for the protocol. These items can be found on Amazon and cost roughly around $250.
For Local Participants: If you are local and wish to parcipate in the opportunity to actually SEE the results of your detox you can sign up to receive a Full Body Thermography scan at a HUGE reduced rate. A typical Full Body Scan is $600, and all those who are local and participate in the protocol will receive a pre and post scan for only $300 a piece.
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