Homeopathy is safe and effect natural medicine that can help a variety of issues both physical, mental and emotional. Emily will take her time asking you a series of questions so she can better understand your current chief complaint.
In homeopathy symptoms are the guide to the right remedy. Once the right remedy has been chosen then you will be instructed on where/how to purchase, which an be done easily, even on Amazon. If you already have the remedy then great! No purchase necessary.
You will then be given detailed instructions on how and when to take the remedy. Your practitioner will check in on you within over a period of time to see how the remedy is working with your current issue.
Homeopathy is a gentle and effective way to help with concerns for all people, including children and even pets.
Homeopathic medicines are among the safest known: non-allergenic, non-toxic, free of side effects and have no known drug interactions due to the low dose that is used. They are prepared from herbal, mineral and animal substances and made in accordance with the HPUS (Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States) and regulated by the FDA.
Homeopathic remedies act curatively and preventively by raising your general level of health by strengthening your own internal defense mechanism or immune system. The science behind how homeopathy works is based on the crystalline structure changes that can occur in water due to sucussion of homeopathic substance in water as part of the dilution process.
Schedule a Session: Please fill out the Client Intake form to notify us that you are interested in scheduling an appointment.
Acute issues (lasting no longer than 3 weeks): Appointments will be 30 minutes. If Emily needs additional time to locate the right remedy for your situation she may ask that she send you your suggested remedy and healing plan via email or text within 24 hours of the original phone call.
Chronic issues (lasting longer than 3 weeks): A 1 hour appointment would be necessary. If Emily needs additional time to locate the right remedy for your situation she may need to send your suggested remedy and healing plan via email or text within 72 hours of the original phone call.
Free Follow Up Call: For Both Acute and Chronic conditions Emily will do a free follow up 20 min phone call. For Acute she will contact you within 24-48 hours via email, text or by phone. For Chronic cases you will can contact her via email or by phone to discuss your follow-up, both of which are free. You will do this once you begin taking your remedy within 2 weeks of your first appointment.

Should you need to cancel your appointment you will need to do so within 24 hours of your scheduled time via phone call, text or email. If you do so in this time frame Emily will happily reschedule you for another time. We do NOT issue refunds so please make sure you are able to attend or reschedule your appointment. If you need to reschedule a few times due to schedule conflicts we understand, but if rescheduling happens on a regular basis Emily may choose to address the issue with you, which may result in the dismissal of your case until further notice.
Any and all suggested homeopathic care by Emily Jasenski C.Hom, CMT is in no way intended to treat, diagnose or cure illness or injury. As a willing participant and a client of Emily Jasenski and The Crescent Center you acknowledge and understand that Emily Jasenski is not a licensed medical professional and therefore she and The Crescent Center are released from all responsibility and liability regarding any health related issues, mental or physical. In participating as a client of Emily Jasenski & The Crescent Center you understand that this is Homeopathic care and not allopathic medicine, and therefore all medical related issues need to be brought under the care of a licensed medical professional such as your physician.

Samual Hahnemann (1755-1843) was a German Physician and founder of Homeopathy. The word Homeopathy means,“homoios” in Greek means similar, and “pathos” means suffering.
It was through Samuals journey as a Physician, and his disdain for the current style of medicine of the times that he developed this system of medicine and principals in treating like cures like. Hahnemann believed that what can cause certain ailments in others, can in small doses cure them. Historically speaking he isn't the first person to come up with that notion, as the Doctrine of Signatures (like things in nature cure like things in the body) was previously described by such known names as Hippocrates.
Homeopathy has historically been successful across the globe for over 200 years.In Austria people used microdoses during the cholera epidemic of 1831. Statistics show that those with cholera who tried homeopathy had a mortality rate between 2.4 to 21.1%; whereas over 50% of those with cholera under conventional medical care died.
Probably the most important reason that homeopathy developed such immense popularity was its success in treating the various infectious epidemic diseases that raged throughout America and Europe during the 1800s. Statistics indicate that the death rates in homeopathic hospitals from these epidemics were often one-half to as little as one-eighth those in orthodox medical hospitals.
Cincinnati Homeopaths were so successful in treating people during the 1849 cholera epidemic that homeopaths published a daily list of their patients in the newspaper, giving names and addresses of those who were cured and those who died. Only 3% of the 1,116 homeopathic patients died, while between 48-60% of those under orthodox medical treatment died.
Homeopathy continues to be a beautiful and powerful healing asset across the globe. It is especially popular in India, Canada, Europe and Mexico.